home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
- <!-- The grabber xml file describes how to get the program listing infomation from the page. -->
- <!-- It has the following format: -->
- <profile>
- <!-- ========================= -->
- <!-- Channel section lists all the channels available from this website. -->
- <section name="ChannelList">
- <entry name="Channel DB ID">.Site Channel ID.</entry> <!-- Full channel name here -->
- <!-- Channel DB ID -->
- <!-- This is a unique ID for all channels in the world -->
- <!-- modeled on the XMLTV id with the following format: -->
- <!-- subchannel@provider_url -->
- <!-- provider_url = the domain url of the channel provider. Example mtv.com -->
- <!-- If a provider does not have a website/URL then one can be created -->
- <!-- with the format "channel/provider name"_"country". where "-" replaces the "." normally used in URLs -->
- <!-- subchannel = if a provider has more then one channel. Example mtv2@mtv.com -->
- <!-- Check the existing ids before creating new ones, using the Webepg-channels.exe program -->
- <!-- if two channels have the same guide (same programs at the same time) then they should have the same ID -->
- <!-- regardless if they are in a different country or language and have a local URL -->
- <!-- In this case the highest level URL should be used .com for example -->
- </section>
- <!-- ========================= -->
- <!-- Formating of Listing -->
- <!-- This section describes how to find the program infomation -->
- <section name="Listing">
- <!-- _________________________ -->
- <!-- BaseURL -->
- <!-- The base URL of the site, must start with 'http://' -->
- <!-- Any sub links will be added to this base. -->
- <!-- Should normally have '/' on the end. However, if this is included in the sub link -->
- <!-- then include the '/' at the start of the search string -->
- <entry name="BaseURL">http://www.tvsite.tv/guide/</entry>
- <!-- _________________________ -->
- <!-- SearchURL -->
- <!-- The part of the url use to load the guide pages for different channels and days. -->
- <!-- Can include any of the following: -->
- <!-- [ID] - Site Channel ID - from the ChannelList section -->
- <!-- [LIST_OFFSET] - offset position in a list longer then one page -->
- <!-- starts at 0 and is the MaxCount for the next page, MaxCount is added for each page after -->
- <!-- used together with MaxCount if number of listings on a page is less then MaxCount it stops look for next pages -->
- <!-- [PAGE_OFFSET] - Same as LIST_OFFSET but only 1 is added for each new page and not MaxCount -->
- <!-- [DAY_OFFSET] - offset of the day from today (0). See OffsetStart to change the start.-->
- <!-- [YYYY] - year -->
- <!-- [MONTH] - month full name (ie January) -->
- <!-- [MM] - month with leading 0 -->
- <!-- [_M] - month without leading 0 -->
- <!-- [WEEKDAY] - day of week full name (ie Monday) -->
- <!-- [DD] - day with leading 0 -->
- <!-- [_D] - day without leading 0 -->
- <!-- [EPOCH_TIME] - number of seconds since 1/1/1970 8:00:00 AM -->
- <!-- [EPOCH_DATE] - number of days since 1/1/1970 8:00:00 AM -->
- <!-- [DAY_NAME] - a string for the name example: today, tomorrow, etc. Requires DayNames section-->
- <!-- replace & with & -->
- <entry name="SearchURL">search.php3?channel=[ID]&limit=[LIST_OFFSET]</entry>
- <!-- _________________________ -->
- <!-- Encoding [optional] -->
- <!-- In most cases the Encoding is correctly detected by WebEPG -->
- <!-- This forces the give encoding to be used -->
- <entry name="Encoding">UTF-8</entry>
- <!-- _________________________ -->
- <!-- MaxCount [optional] -->
- <!-- Maximum Number of listings per page -->
- <!-- Optional only required if a single day's listing are over more then on page -->
- <!-- Used together with #LIST_OFFSET -->
- <entry name="MaxCount">10</entry>
- <!-- _________________________ -->
- <!-- OffsetStart [optional] -->
- <!-- Added to #DAY_OFFSET so #DAY_OFFSET + OffsetStart -->
- <!-- Used together with #DAY_OFFSET -->
- <entry name="OffsetStart">1</entry>
- <!-- _________________________ -->
- <!-- PageStart [optional] -->
- <!-- Added to #PAGE_OFFSET -->
- <!-- Used together with #PAGE_OFFSET -->
- <entry name="PageStart">1</entry>
- <!-- _________________________ -->
- <!-- Start [optional] -->
- <!-- Unique Listing Start string -->
- <!-- speeds search by reducing, search area. Search string from start of HTML source -->
- <!-- Default value: "<body" -->
- <entry name="Start"><!-- Vorschlag Output DB start--></entry>
- <!-- _________________________ -->
- <!-- End [optional] -->
- <!-- Unique Listing End string -->
- <!-- speeds search by reducing, search area. Search string from postion of start string -->
- <!-- Default value: "</body" -->
- <entry name="End"><!-- Vorschlag Include output DB ende --></entry>
- <!-- _________________________ -->
- <!-- Tags [optional] -->
- <!-- The types of HTML tags used for template matching -->
- <!-- the first letter of the required tags, all other tags will be ignored -->
- <!-- although the first letter is not unique in all cases it is sufficient for template matching -->
- <!-- Common Examples: -->
- <!-- T = table, TR, TD, etc (all table tags) -->
- <!-- A = A href -->
- <!-- D = Div -->
- <!-- P = p -->
- <!-- Default Value: T -->
- <entry name="Tags">T</entry>
- <!-- _________________________ -->
- <!-- Template of the Listing information -->
- <!-- This give the layout of the program listing in HTML -->
- <!-- Currently only looks at the following tags: table, tr, td and br -->
- <!-- These tags can be simplied by remove everything after the tag name. ie <tr xxx> = <tr> -->
- <!-- All other tags can be removed. -->
- <!-- Required: -->
- <!-- <#TITLE> - program name/title -->
- <!-- <#START> - program start time -->
- <!-- Optional: -->
- <!-- <#END> - program end time -->
- <!-- <#DESCRIPTION> - program describtion text -->
- <!-- <#DAY> - program day (required if not part of page lookup) -->
- <!-- <#MONTH> - program month (required if not part of page lookup) -->
- <!-- All '<' and '>' must be replaced with < and > -->
- <!-- tabs and newlines are ignored so these can be used for formating -->
- <!-- only the most important HTML tags should be used to identify the structure of the guide data -->
- <!-- here less is often more. -->
- <!-- The HTML tags are used as the major locators to find the guide data and seperate the data (#tags) -->
- <!-- However, plan text/key words can also be used to seperate the data inside the HTML tag structure -->
- <!-- the text in front of a #tag is always used for that tag -->
- <!-- ie. xxx<#DESCRIPTION>yyy<#GENRE> -->
- <!-- here the xxx will be used to find the start location of #DESCRIPTION and the yyy the start of #GENRE -->
- <!-- any other text between the xxx and the yyy will be included in #DESCRIPTION -->
- <!-- if yyy is not found all text until the next HTML tag will be placed into the first #tag (in this case #DESCRIPTION) -->
- <!-- if xxx is not found no text will be included into #DESCRIPTION -->
- <!-- to set a different end for #DECSRIPTION the following syntax is used -->
- <!-- <#TAG:start text,end text> -->
- <!-- ie. <#DESCRIPTION:xxx,zzz>yyy<#GENRE> -->
- <!-- here xxx is still the start string however, now zzz will be the end of #DESCRIPTION and -->
- <!-- anything between zzz and yyy will be discarded. -->
- <entry name="Template">
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td><br><#DAY>. <#MONTH><br><#START> - <#END><br></td>
- <td><#TITLE><br><#DESCRIPTION></td>
- </tr>
- </entry>
- <!-- _________________________ -->
- <!-- SubListingLink: If the site has more detailed information on a linked page -->
- <!-- this is use to identify the correct link to follow. -->
- <!-- the link (A href) must be inside the HTML code section examined by the template. -->
- <!-- The "A" tag doesn't have to form part of the template. However, the link must be found -->
- <!-- between the first and last tag used in the template. -->
- <entry name="SubListingLink">programmadetail</entry>
- </section>
- <!-- ========================= -->
- <!-- SubListing Section -->
- <!-- If SubListingLink is used in the main listing section. -->
- <!-- then a template is required to parse the linked page. -->
- <!-- This section has the same entries as the main listing section. -->
- <section name="SubListing">
- <entry name="Tags">TA</entry>
- <!-- Unique Listing Start string -->
- <entry name="Start">progDetail</entry>
- <!-- Unique Listing End string -->
- <!-- <entry name="End"></entry> -->
- <!-- Template tags -->
- <entry name="Tags">T</entry>
- <!-- Template of the Listing information -->
- <entry name="Template">
- <td>
- <p><#SUBTITLE></p>
- <p><#DESCRIPTION></p>
- <p></p>
- <p><a href></a><a href="/zoeken/?genre=<#GENRE:genre=,>"></a></p>
- <p><a href></a></p>
- </td>
- </entry>
- </section>
- <!-- ========================= -->
- <!-- Info Section -->
- <section name="Info">
- <!-- Days of guide information available on this site -->
- <entry name="GuideDays">7</entry>
- <!-- Language of the guide information -->
- <entry name="Lang">de</entry>
- <!-- TimeZone of the site -->
- <!-- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones -->
- <entry name="TimeZone">W. Europe Standard Time</entry>
- </section>
- <!-- ========================= -->
- <!-- DayNames Section [optional]-->
- <!-- When #DAY_NAME tag is used in the search URL this section is required -->
- <!-- A mapping from a day offset to a name string -->
- <!-- start day or today = 0 -->
- <section name="DayNames">
- <entry name="0">tanaan</entry>
- <entry name="1">huomenna</entry>
- <entry name="2">ylihuomenna</entry>
- <entry name="3">plus3</entry>
- <entry name="4">plus4</entry>
- <entry name="5">plus5</entry>
- <entry name="6">plus6</entry>
- </section>
- <!-- ========================= -->
- <!-- DateTime Section [optional]-->
- <!-- If the months are listed on the page as text they must be entered here. -->
- <!-- If the page uses day offset or yyyy/mm/dd to load the page then this is not required -->
- <!-- enter 'no' for Months and leave the rest out or leave the whole section out. -->
- <section name="DateTime">
- <entry name="Months">yes</entry>
- <entry name="Januar">1</entry>
- <entry name="Februar">2</entry>
- <entry name="März">3</entry>
- <entry name="April">4</entry>
- <entry name="Mai">5</entry>
- <entry name="Juni">6</entry>
- <entry name="Juli">7</entry>
- <entry name="August">8</entry>
- <entry name="September">9</entry>
- <entry name="Oktober">10</entry>
- <entry name="November">11</entry>
- <entry name="Dezember">12</entry>
- </section>
- <!-- ========================= -->
- <!-- Genre Map Section [optional]-->
- <!-- Allows the Genre on the site to be replaced with another string -->
- <!-- This is to enable genre from different sites to be mapped to a common set -->
- <section name="GenreMap">
- <entry name="Amusement" >Amusement</entry>
- <entry name="Animatie" >Animatie</entry>
- <entry name="Comedy" >Comedy</entry>
- <entry name="Documentaire" >Documentaire</entry>
- <entry name="Erotiek" >Erotiek</entry>
- <entry name="Film" >Film</entry>
- <entry name="Informatief" >Informatief</entry>
- <entry name="Jeugd" >Jeugd</entry>
- <entry name="Kunst/Cultuur" >Kunst/Cultuur</entry>
- <entry name="Misdaad" >Misdaad</entry>
- <entry name="Muziek" >Muziek</entry>
- <entry name="Natuur" >Natuur</entry>
- <entry name="Nieuws/Actualiteiten" >Nieuws/Actualiteiten</entry>
- <entry name="Overige" >Overige</entry>
- <entry name="Religieus" >Religieus</entry>
- <entry name="Serie/Soap" >Serie/Soap</entry>
- <entry name="Sport" >Sport</entry>
- <entry name="Theater" >Theater</entry>
- <entry name="Wetenschap" >Wetenschap</entry>
- </section>
- <!-- ========================= -->
- <!-- Remove Programs Section [optional]-->
- <!-- Allows the removal of certain programs -->
- <section name="RemovePrograms">
- <entry name="ned3@omroep.nl">[TITLE]"Z@pp";[TITLE]"Nederland 3"</entry>
- </section>
- </profile>